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LIBRO Rocket Science: 50 Flying, Floating, Flipping, Spinning Gadgets Kids Create Themselves de Jim Wiese PDF ePub

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Rocket Science: 50 Flying, Floating, Flipping, Spinning Gadgets Kids Create Themselves de Jim Wiese

Descripción - Reseña del editor Blast off into the wacky world of gadgets! Have you ever wondered what makes airplanes fly, how boats float, or why your doorbell works? Would you like to build your own flying, floating, diving, spinning, howling, scooting objects? Are you looking for a terrific science project that moves? If you answered 'Yes!' to any of these questions, then 'Rocket Science' is for you. It shows you the science behind how things work by teaching you how to build a rocket boat, kaleidoscope, mousetrap car, stethoscope, compass, fruit-powered battery, and lots of other wonderful gizmos. All of the projects are safe and easy to make out of stuff you can find around your house. This amazing book covers a wide variety of science topics, including mechanics, air power, water power, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, acoustics, and optics. Contraportada Blast off into the wacky world of gadgets!Have you ever wondered what makes airplanes fly, how boats float, or why your doorbell works? Would you like to build your own flying, floating, diving, spinning, howling, scooting objects? Are you looking for a terrific science project that moves?If you answered 'Yes!' to any of these questions, then Rocket Science is for you. It shows you the science behind how things work by teaching you how to build a rocket boat, kaleidoscope, mousetrap car, stethoscope, compass, fruit-powered battery, and lots of other wonderful gizmos. All of the projects are safe and easy to make out of stuff you can find around your house. This amazing book covers a wide variety of science topics, including mechanics, air power, water power, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, acoustics, and optics. Biografía del autor JIM WIESE (British Columbia, Canada) is a science teacher and an educational coordinator for nonprofit organizations. He is the author of the popular kids' science-activities book Roller Coaster Science and several science schoolbooks.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Rocket Science: 50 Flying, Floating, Flipping, Spinning Gadgets Kids Create Themselves
  • Autor: Jim Wiese
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Ciencia, naturaleza y cómo funciona
  • Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Ebook Rocket Science: 50 Flying, Floating, Flipping, Spinning Gadgets Kids Create Themselves de Jim Wiese PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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